Hyena, King Lion, and the Prince

The Battle for Perfect
Marc and Cynthia Carrier


hyena king lion and the prince front coverAre the cunning of Hyena and the strength of his dogs any match for King Lion and his Son? Who will
ultimately win control of the village of Perfect?

An allegory, not just of good versus evil, Hyena, King Lion and the Prince spans all of human and Church history, showing how God has worked in His Creation to redeem it from the schemes of Satan and the corruption of sin. Set in a rural African village, the riveting storyline and charming illustrations make this epic tale an instant classic for the whole family to enjoy.


Authors Marc and Cynthia Carrier are missionaries serving in East Africa with their eight children. Marc’s interest in teaching Kingdom Christian history and passion for missions work among storytelling cultures were the impetus for Hyena, King Lion and the Prince. Their life in East Africa also inspired the setting of the allegory. For more information about their mission, visit www.KingdomDriven.org.


Click here to view an excerpt
(note that the .PDF is reduced in size, thus illustration quality is significantly degraded from what is published in the paperback version)



Hyena, King Lion, and the Prince paperback
8″x10″, approx. 96 pages, fully color-illustrated




